Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's Story Time!

“Every story that we tell or hear has a purpose and helps keep our lives knitted together” (Franklin and Dowdy 122). The history and culture of the African-American community is one that extends over centuries and centuries. The use of storytelling was a soution for the Black race to continue to keep traditions and customs alive for so long. The old art form allows Black people to stay connected through sharing their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. As a young African-American female, I grew up around storytelling. I can still remember many stories my grandparents told me about their childhood in Mississippi and Louisiana. Not only did their stories give me a greater understanding of history, they also helped shape and mold me into the literate young woman I am today.

One of the most important elements involved in storytelling is culture. There is something unique about people of African descent. There are so many different aspects of how we live our lives that only we can relate to. The way we walk, the way we talk, and the way we love. It’s all a part of our culture as Black people. Storytelling keeps these unique aspects alive from generation to generation. Without storytelling, my generation and a few generations before mine would be deprived of so many things that make our race so special. As old as storytelling may be, it still plays a significant role in the African-American community. 

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