Friday, February 18, 2011

Black Women in Videography

Low class, welfare, baby daddy drama. All of these images are portrayed by black women in the feature films today, has been since the beginning of the twentieth century. One will rarely, if ever, see a movie where the black woman plays the role of a genius who has broken some new mathematical code or who plays the physician who has found the cure to AIDS. We need more positive and factual story-lines based upon the lives of African American women, not those exaggerated or completely invented. One reason this is so is because the movies made in America are also seen by foreigners and the events that occur in the movie are believed to be real, when in actuality they are not. 

All black women are not from the ghetto. Are teen-aged mothers. Drop out of high school. Are on government assistance. Speak Ebonics/slang. Some of them are actually doctors, physicians and politicians; many of them work for the government. Why aren't these women seen in movies, or at least the movies that get acknowledged? Is it set up this way purposely?? Hmmm..Is it possible that the creator of a black movie, that makes it big in Hollywood, wants the audience to see the black woman struggling, with lots of kids, in a tiny house, and with no father? Or is the message something different? Something such as, portraying a black women that is strong and also able to multitask? Majority of Blacks believe that is how it is set up and they want to change this problem that occurs so often.

There are exceptional actresses, those who get a chance to play other roles, such as Halle' Berry and Whoopi Goldberg. They both have played roles of successful women in the white world. Halle' Berry was the first African American woman to receive an Oscar. 

In conclusion, there are many actresses who all have similar roles, and then you have the few exceptions. There should definitely be more positive and actual events that occur daily, or over a period of time, in the black womans' experiences, and how these events can develop intelligence and character.


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